Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Card Outtakes

A lot of my clients ask how I have the patience for children and get frustrated when their toddlers won't cooperate. I try and reassure them THIS IS NORMAL! The typical photo shoot will start out with boycotting the camera, shyness, and clutching a favorite toy. We'll typically stumble through some threats from parents, tears from the kids, and pets running wild. By the end of a typical 90 minute session, however, I guarantee a photo you won't be disappointed with.

In just 90 seconds the photo shoot for my own family Christmas card went from difficult to disastrous. Here are some 'outtakes' to show you what I'm talking about....

However, I managed to salvage a few 'keepers' in the bunch and still produced a decent Christmas Card from only a 10 minute photo shoot! The finished product....


Shannon December 15, 2010 at 3:12 PM  

Super cute!! Love the outtakes!

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