Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Cupcake To Go | Product Photographer

Last week a sorority sister contacted me about taking photographs for her new home based business, Happy Cupcake To Go. Being that I am eager to see [eat] her cupcakes and help a sister out (pun intended) I happily agreed to take photographs for her website!

Here are a few photos I captured. To learn more about her cupcakes, please visit her website: You will NOT be disappointed! Kristin delivers her homemade, delicious cupcakes to the Northern Virginia area.

"With a family that is always on the go, owner Kristin Idle knows first hand the pleasures of convenience. With years of experience in project planning and marketing, a love for baking, a knack for detail & style, and a sweet tooth that won't quit!, starting a business that meshed all these qualities into one seemed natural... and so became Happy Cupcake To Go! "


Erin November 5, 2010 at 4:41 PM  

Wow! Those cupcakes look AMAZING!

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