Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Olivers | Children Photographer

Ah, my favorite little kiddos, the Olivers! I have known Cyndy since high school and I love photographing her children. She always has them dressed to the nines and is ready to make them strut their stuff in front of the camera! These photos were taken in November right before the leaves fell...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Stock Graft Family | Family Photographer

A while back I was asked to shoot an extended family as they gathered together for the holidays. Seventeen people total, my largest group to date - it included 4 generations!

It was a lot of fun! ;-)

Kelly, who had booked the shoot, was recently engaged so I also got some photos of her and her fiance, Andy.

I stuck around for a few minutes to capture some of the fun and celebration. I only wish I could have stayed for dinner and drinks too!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Huddelstons | Family Photographer

You may recognize Erin, Hunter, and baby Phinn. I shot Erin's maternity photos, along with her newborn session with Phinn earlier this year. Her mother enjoyed the photos so much she wanted to get some of the entire family. Here are a few photos from our time together! Unfortunately the weather was frightful so we were limited to staying indoors...

The gals....

The guys....

The grandparents...

The center of attention...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Card Outtakes

A lot of my clients ask how I have the patience for children and get frustrated when their toddlers won't cooperate. I try and reassure them THIS IS NORMAL! The typical photo shoot will start out with boycotting the camera, shyness, and clutching a favorite toy. We'll typically stumble through some threats from parents, tears from the kids, and pets running wild. By the end of a typical 90 minute session, however, I guarantee a photo you won't be disappointed with.

In just 90 seconds the photo shoot for my own family Christmas card went from difficult to disastrous. Here are some 'outtakes' to show you what I'm talking about....

However, I managed to salvage a few 'keepers' in the bunch and still produced a decent Christmas Card from only a 10 minute photo shoot! The finished product....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Thomas' | Family Photographer

Back in November I had the pleasure of shooting the Thomas Family.

Claire and Morgan were just TOO cute! At the end of the session I was rewarded with personal homework and samples of projects done at preschool. It was a lot of fun.

Got a few photos in their holiday gear for Christmas cards too!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Custom Wall Displays - Desk Sized Prints

Another service I now provide my clients - in addition to large wall display guides for canvas and standouts, I am happy to put collections together for desk sized prints as well. This is helpful for families who have a few prints in mind but are not sure what sizes or collection to buy. Here are just a few examples....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

William | Newborn Photographer

Here are some photos of adorable William. Even though he was older than most newborns I shoot he was an absolute doll to photograph and very cooperative!!

A little nap on Mommy before we began...

Wide awake and ready for food!

Getting a few shots for Christmas!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

November Mini Sessions | Family Photographer

Here are a few photo collages from my November Mini-Sessions!

The McGee Family

The Schwartz Family

The DeZee Family

The Abbott Family

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